29.03.2024 Lexology In-Depth • Catarina Levy Osório, Daniela Sousa Marques • Law Business Research

Lexology: In-Depth Employment Law 2024 - Angola

Catarina Levy Osório and Daniela Sousa Marques are the authors of the Angola chapter for the "Lexology: In-Depth Employment Law 2024" guide, published by Law Business Research.

"The Angolan employment law framework is very protective of the employee's position, especially considering the constitutional limitations. As such, for economic and social reasons, some legal regimes (e.g., employment agreements for a definite or an indefinite term) and legal restrictions under Angolan employment law were simplified and revoked to promote employment opportunities. However, in the past year, after public discussion on the labour framework, the same legal regime and restrictions that were simplified have suffered considerable changes with the new General Labour Law, approved by Law No. 12/23 of 27 December 2023 (New GLL), which revoked the Angolan General Labour Law, approved by Law No. 7/15 of 15 June 2015 and rectified by Rectification No. 15/15 of 2 October 2015 (GLL). The new GLL will enter into force at the end of March 2024 and will regulate the core regimes to be applied to the employment relationship. Other laws regulating specific regimes (such as temporary agency work, accidents at work, employment contract paradigms, collective negotiations and strikes) may also be applicable.
The labour courts and appeal courts (if the necessary requirements are met) are competent to try employment conflicts. This regime is regulated by several decrees, some of which are long-standing. The Inspectorate-General of Labour is responsible for the enforcement
of law on labour matters through several mechanisms, such as inspections, requests for information and administrative offence proceedings. Other administrative entities may also act for the employer, depending on the matter in question."
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