
Legal Circle Conference | Developing Angola with infrastructure

Public procurement in Angola has been widely recognised as a strategic priority, with the country boasting political and social stability and great business opportunities that should be promoted internationally.

With the support of contractual models from the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), Angola has already implemented more than 100 projects, totalling a value of more than 400 million dollars. These models are internationally recognised for their ability to guarantee transparency, efficiency and quality in public works, which is fundamental for modernising the country's infrastructure.

In addition, promoting Angola's business opportunities on the international stage is vital to boosting the local economy and diversifying its sources of income. Active participation in international conferences and forums allows the country to highlight its advances and attract strategic partnerships, contributing to more robust and sustainable economic growth.

In this context, ALC Advogados, the exclusive member for Angola of Morais Leitão Legal Circle network, an international network of law firms that also includes Portugal, Singapore, Mozambique, Cape Verde and East Timor, held a conference on 14 November on the theme of "Developing Angola with Infrastructure", which brought together a wide range of specialists and discussed the following topics: i) comparing concession, BoT and DBO contracts and highlighting strategies for effective negotiation; ii) analysing the financing of infrastructure projects in markets such as Angola, highlighting the importance of project finance for Angola and risk and ESG concerns for financiers; and iii) discussing best practices in operating contracts, risk management in FIDIC contracts and practical notes on EPC contract models.

Morais Leitão Legal Circle network was represented by Catarina Levy OsórioIrina Neves FerreiraHelena Prata Ferreira and Bruno Xavier de Pina, from ALC Advogados, Nuno Galvão TelesLuís BrancoJoão Tiago SilveiraRicardo Andrade AmaroPaulo Nogueira da RochaDiana Ettner and Vasco Xavier Mesquita, from Morais Leitão, Tiago Arouca Mendes, from MDR Advogados, and Vera Patrícia Querido, from VPQ Advogados.

See the event programme attached and watch the video.

In TV Girassol e Ver Angola
In Economia & Mercado
In Forbes Áfica Lusófona
In Forbes África Lusófona
In Poc Notícias
In Radar Kianda
In Pontual
In Voz de Angola

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